Excerpt From

Other Go$pels creeping In

Carnival Con Artist$
Deuteronomy 16:17; Ezekiel 34:1-22 ; II Corinthians 9:6-8; Philippians 4:19

I say to all mercenary charlatans masquerading as ministers of light, I detest your marketing gimmicks. To fatten your already bulging bank accounts, you turn Me into just another marketable commodity. You perceive Me as the ultimate slot machine, and thus you misrepresent Me to your vast television audience.

“You can’t outgive God” is your favorite motto. You serpents! How cunning you are, the way you twist a bit of Scripture and lace it with lies until it becomes a very lucrative heresy to enrich you. “Put God to the test,” you say. “Go fetch that money set aside to pay the rent.”

I did promise to bless My people whenever they followed My directives in giving liberally, but the exact amount will vary from person to person, according as he is truly able. I did exhort My people to prove My promise to bless them for their obedience in this area, but I also specifically commanded them never to put the Lord their God to foolish tests. Yet you greedy ones tempt My sheep to jump off the cliff, just like satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness. Gullible souls are told to give “the Lord” the rent money, because “there’s bound to be be a divine safety net to avert a disaster on rent-paying day.” Some of you even promise that special angels will move into the donor’s house to keep the blessings rolling in. Thus you counsel your listeners to overreach the boundaries of their immature faith, and act presumptuously, so as to force My Hand. But I am not a circus animal Who must jump through a hoop at your slightest whim.

“Send it in as a special, ‘one-time’ offering to this ministry, and trust God to meet you at the point of your need, just before the landlord brings the sheriff to the door to serve an eviction notice on you,” you imply. “In fact, God MUST multiply it back to you a hundred-fold! One hundred dollars will grow into ten thousand. You can’t get better odds in Las Vegas! Plant a seed out of your need, is your jaunty jingle.

I am weary of your clever catch-slogans. I hate your phoniness, your studied gestures and mannerisms, your gaudy carnival act cloaked in cunning craft. I detest your subtle, manipulative techniques which border on sorcery. I loathe your slick, multicolored mail-outs with warnings not to “miss Jesus as He passes by” (your mailbox?). I even hate the way you modulate your voice when you make a syrupy appeal on TV for a special “Prove God” offering. Rather, I say, it is a “Tempt God” offering, the way you workers of deceit court my displeasure.

My, how slick your routine has grown with practice. Even the melodramatic groans of the canned organ music rise and fall in sync with the convulsive contortions of your phony face as you shed crocodile tears and extend your hand in supplication for ever more money, playing people’s emotions like a fiddle. And your usual closing line is: “God bless you. We love you.”

For the moment, the lonely shut-in gets a nice cushy feeling. Why, you have him or her eating out of your hand. How could that dear saint deny money to someone who says “I love you?” So she hurries to get pen and paper to write down all her prayer requests. With a boldness gained from being psyched up by your spiel, she writes out a much larger check than is wise, and sends it to someone who is only using My Holy Name to further his own tawdry kingdom.

The dear lady thinks: Oh, glory! That sweet brother said he’d PERSONALLY touch God for my needs. I can’t wait to hear from him! But little does she consider that you hear from thousands of poor souls just like her, and you couldn’t possibly read, much less bother yourself with, her personal trials. And just what do you mean by “love”? What good would your ministry be to someone made homeless by following your counsel and doing something presumptuous which I never commanded him to do? After all the hundreds or thousands of dollars which he sent in to your religious racket, would you send him so much as a dime to keep him fed and off the street? And why wouldn’t you help that person, if you truly believe giving makes a person richer? Aren’t you motivated by money? Why, then, don’t you practice what you preach?

Get your cheap trash out of My sight! You’ve got no right to stamp My Holy Name on those Miracle Key Chains and other cheap trinkets mass-produced by impoverished laborers in third-world nations! Neither do I endorse your assortment of Faith $eed Packets mailed out to vulnerable, hurting souls! Your slick junk mail implies that if the recipient’s “seed packet” is not postmarked for tomorrow’s mail, there will be no answer to prayer, because God’s Special Season of Miracles has an expiration date, and will soon pass you by like a fleeting wind! As if the flow of My mercy were regulated by the flow of the Almighty Dollar, or the schedule of the U.S. Postal Service!

“Claim a Cadillac,” you say. “But first plant the seed, and what better seedbed than this ministry? Don’t stop paying on your $2000 vow, or you’ll stop God from blessing you. How dare you undercut the magnitude of My fathomless love! How dare you insult My mercy! How do you greedy snakes expect to escape the damnation of hell!!!

Judgment must begin in My House. I behold you fat preachers gorging yourselves on delicacies while you fail to feed the flock what they need, and preach only mild messages which won’t rouse them from their torpor. “Go away, I don’t have time for your troubles,” is your attitude. Yes, all you see out there is a shapeless gray mass of common peons who render their tribute to you as one of the ruling elite. You always travel in style. Your clothes are the finest money can buy. Your home is a virtual palace filled with the latest in electronic gadgetry. Some of you possess several homes. You take frequent vacations to to exciting destinations, and always go first-class. And all because some lonely, frightened, desperate soul “sowed a seed out of his need.”

Yes, the laborer is worthy of his wages, and those who faithfully serve Me in full-time ministry must be honored and well provided for by the rest of My Body. From the beginning I ordained it to be so. But I also said to my disciples who were to take My spiritual blessings to the four corners of the earth: Freely ye have received, freely GIVE!

All you fraudsters ever give Me is grief!


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